
Tuesday, March 5, 2013

I hate you Autism

I hate you Autism. I hate you with an endless fire and ceaseless passion.

Autism - odorless, invisible, dangerous - like an emotional gas leak - it has to always be monitored lest you risk putting people in danger.

I hate you when I fall asleep at night and I hate you when I wake. I hate you at three in the morning when you rouse us from sleep for no particular reason.

I hate that you claim ownership over my son. That you limit his speech. That you paralyze him socially. That you confuse and frustrate him. You're a bully - and the worst kind of bully - one that hides behind the eyes of a kind and beautiful boy where you're sure that w can never reach you. You're a ruthless tyrant - and for that, I hate you.

But we will get you Autism. We will fight you with all of our hope and our love and with every last fiber of our being. We will hunt you down and we will get you. We will chase you into the darkest, scariest places. We will cut you down, piece by piece, until there is nothing left of you. Until there is only the beautiful, happy little boy that you currently inhabit.

We will beat you Autism, whether by hook or by crook, we will beat you. And though you may not be curable, and though you may mock us and laugh at us for trying - remember this - we don't need to cure you in order to beat you.

For us, victory will be claimed when we know, without question, that our son is truly happy and that you no longer control him. That day will come. Perhaps not today, and perhaps not tomorrow, but it will come.

And on that day, and on every day that a child that you bully frees themselves from your tyranny - we will rejoice, because we hate you Autism - but we love our child more.

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